Monday, 23 February 2009

A few quid left!

Having added all the vouchers up and made the big purchase of the freezer, we had a few quid left to spend.

This was perfect timing as our old kettle gave up the ghost.

We then had a few quid left which was enough to buy this new blender.

Thanks all once again for your generous gifts.


Yet More gifts!

Our most recent acquisition on the wedding presents front, comes courtesy of many friends and family members who gave us Argos gift vouchers as a wedding present : A brand new Upright Freezer.
We combined them to make this large purchase, and in no particular order, we would like to thank the following people:
"Les & Jean", "Brian & Christine Black", "Tony, Silvi & Chad Bishop", "Aby & Family", "Nigel, Sam & Paris", "Viv & Bob", "Alison, Tom , Nev & Lucy", Jan, Lesley, Laura and Sam at Christopher Harris & Co, and last but by no means least "Emma Justin Rebecca & Eleanor".

All we need to do now, is wait for payday, so we can start to fill the freezer with goodies.

Thank you all so much

Love Mr & Mrs Lewis.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Yet more presents!

Thanks to Neil for this very useful kitchen chopper set.
This will be well used.

Thanks to Anita & Michael, for some much needed new towels.
These will replace the ones I got from the Marriott many years ago!

Thanks also to Dawn, for the lovely bath sheets. I think we have enough towels now!


Tuesday, 3 February 2009

More presents !

Many thanks to Jean J, your generous gift bought us a George Foreman Grill, which we are christening tonight!

Thanks too, to Nana Edie, her generous gift bought this Morphy Richards Breadmaker. Can't wait to taste some home made bread!

Still we have gift vouchers / cash gifts to spend. We can't thank you all enough. We are going to be buying an Upright Freezer very soon, and will let you know when it has been delivered.